Posts tagged ‘skateboarder’

September 27, 2010

Real Wedding: Mini and Alan

Before we get into this post , I just wanted to say something.This may come as a shocker to most of you, but I was one of those people who’d much rather be ‘ill’ or ‘unavoidably detained’ the day(s) of a wedding (of course some of you are out there shaking your heads in disdain!). There is so much happening during a wedding, it’s like sensory overload for me- I just can’t focus! It’s the same when it comes to shopping- I just zone out.Anyway, I finally found a way to deal with it -hide behind a camera! It has so many advantages- you don’t really have to make too much conversation, you get to take some cool shots, don’t get bored and best of all, you can pretend you are hidden behind the camera! No wonder wedding photographers love their job!

So to the point now-much much before The Unreal Bride was even an idea in our litte (so we like to believe) heads, I attended a dear friends wedding which could possibly be one of the funnest I’ve been to in a while! It was here, at Mini and Alans wedding that I carried my camera with me wherever I went and took my first baby steps into the world of wedding photography. That is one of the reasons we wanted to feature them here.

The other reasons being that it was bursting at the seams with  so much happiness, joy and so much love!

It’s worth a mention that it was a ‘cross-cultural’ wedding as well,not that that’s very odd in todays ever expanding diversified world! Mini and Alan both live in London but Mini’s hometown is here in India and that’s where they decided to have the wedding. There were people from all over the world attending the wedding- Alans family (obviously),their friends and even Mini’s boss flew down from London to be a part of it! Forget cultural shock- the non-Indians surprised us by dancing longer, eating more and partying harder than any of us! Mini looked beautiful , like she always does and she had her ‘bridesmaids’ taking care of all the little details making sure that she was totally stress free !

Next time Mini and Alan are in town, they aren’t going anywhere till we get an Unreal Shoot with them!

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Text and Photographs :Kismet Jewell Nakai

Edit: April Sher Bhaika